-----The initial message-----

From: bespredel-kz@narod.ru

It is sent: Jan 27 2002 10:28PM

To: support@narod.yandex.ru

Theme: Users Comments

Administrations and service technical supports. narod.yandex.ru

      Hello dear ladies and sirs.

So has developed, that I have got in Kazakhstan under present pressing Law-enforcement members.

The unique exit to achieve validity, it to take advantage internet to give it wide to publicity.

Whether I can hope for your support and on what will not close my site on somebody’s request or the order?

With respect, Andrey Afanas'ev and

Collective of service - agency ATI

You can read all my history on a site bespredel2001.boom.ru

 e-mail: bespredel-kz@narod.ru

Addition: my site open in december 2001 was closed on not understanding reasons. Similar that someone has taken care of it, i ask you describe the true reasons and if was spam that from what addresses?

The site was under a name bespredel2001.narod.ru

At me the big suspicion that people taken part in creation of it

Site, have decided to use mine history in the mercenary purposes and to think so

There are full bases, it is loss letters from my letter box,

Damage of system files,that I could not receive a mail,

not desire to create a forum for discussions of this theme etc.

Very much I ask to assist!

I hope, that you will answer me!

Whether there are at you paid sites?



The answer :

Hello, Afanas'ev Andrey

-----The answer-----

You can place with us the site, preliminary having coordinated it with ours

user agreement < http: // www.yandex.ru/info/agreement.html >,

on site there should not be insults, rough abuse etc. Any site can

To be closed, if it roughly breaks laws, or under the decision of court, but only not

at somebody’s request.

About closing your site we already wrote to you one week ago: in work

your site someone who knows your password interfered.

All sites located on narod.ru, free-of-charge.

Hosted by uCoz